If I hear the terms “unprecedented times” or “uncertain times” one more time, I’m gonna come unglued and run around outside without my face mask (albeit by myself in my backyard). We all know these past few months have been like nothing we’ve ever seen before. This is not a political post that will incite riotous behavior on either side. We’ve all seen enough of that and I, for one, am exhausted from it. As a business considered “essential” since the closures began, we have worked hard to keep our customers and employees as safe as possible. In an effort to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, we want to begin educating our customers on the benefits of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Healthy Homes and Buildings.

,When I talk about IAQ, I tend to focus on a couple key terms…Ventilation, Filtration, Purification and Humidification. If it has “ation” in it and has something to do with air, it’s probably worth talking about. Here are some statistics from the EPA:
– You spend about 90% of your time indoors
– Indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outside air
– Allergies, asthma, lung cancer and heart problems have all been linked to poor air quality
– Proper humidity levels can help minimize the growth of bacteria, viruses and other biological contaminants
Properly addressing things like filtration beyond a 1/2″ paper filter from Walmart, introducing fresh air into an indoor space, controlling humidity between 30-50% RH and treating the air with UV lighting or hydrogen peroxide air purifiers make good common sense. With all of the precautions being taken today with face masks, hand washing, social distancing, etc., why would anyone not consider the positive implications of improving the quality of the air in their home or business. We spend a lot of time discussing new comfort systems in people’s homes and businesses. Folks will spend a lot of money for energy efficiency and quiet operation. The time has come to discuss not only the comfort of the space, but the quality of the air in that space.
Goodco will be reaching out to our existing customers as well as the public, in general, with special IAQ offerings. Some of these solutions can cost in excess of $1000 for a home but, when you consider the cost of an extended illness, ongoing allergies and asthma, this seems like an investment well worth it. Reach out to us or check out our website for more information at goodcoinc.com/residential/iaq.