The current temperature as I write this is 81F with a RealFeel of 92F. My message to you is be prepared and beat the cold in 2021. Beat the what?? That’s correct, you need to be planning far ahead of heating season by looking at any potential heating equipment replacements now.
Have you looked at car dealer lots lately? Many have very limited inventory right now. Try buying a used car; they don’t stay on a lot for more than a few days. Interested in new furniture? Plan on waiting 4-6 months, and that’s if you get lucky. How about purchasing or building a home? Not only is there limited existing housing inventory, if you find one, you’ll be paying over asking price without a home inspection and without a contingency. New home costs have escalated at record pace due to lumber, drywall, copper and other material costs.
So, that brings us to your home heating system. Our industry is suffering the same supply chain issues as just about everyone else. We’ve seen numerous price increases on equipment over the past year and are dealing with material and parts shortages on many items. In conversations with other industry peers throughout the US, we all agree that these issues are not soon to go away. In fact, we all project these problems to continue throughout 2021 and potentially into the beginning of next year.
Here’s one more wrench to throw in the works. Skilled worker shortages continue to dominate our industry. With baby boomers retiring at an alarming rate (Covid-19 expedited the exodus), we cannot replace those HVAC techs and plumbers fast enough to fill the void. As the demand exceeds the supply, wages are going up, causing us all to reevaluate pricing more often than in the past.
Wow, you’re full of good news today Scott. Sorry, but these are the cold hard facts (pun intended), and we are all living through it together. So, my advice is to make the call to get your heating system evaluated now before the cold weather hits and you are on a 2-month waiting list, shivering next to your open oven.