How do you GET HEAT efficiently when the weather turns colder?


The colder weather is here, and we’re here to help you and your family stay warm this winter. Now is the time to repair or replace your heating system so you can be sure your family stays confortable all season long. Ductless heat pumps are an excellent, cost-effective alternative to expensive oil or electric heat. What do the Good Guys recommend?

#1 – Schedule an HVAC service or maintenance appointment today.

Perhaps you simply need an HVAC expert to ensure your system gets in tip-top shape to optimize its operation as temperatures drop. From routine maintenance to repairs, our HVAC experts ensure that your heating system will perform its best.

Get the Heat You Need!

Call 814.238.8180 or complete the form below and we will contact you to schedule your service, maintenance, or installation.

#2 – Request a FREE estimate on a new heating and cooling system today

Worried that your old furnace won't make it through another winter? Older furnaces, oil, and electric baseboard heat are inefficient – the proof is in your high utility bills! Now is a great time to explore our rebates and low financing options on efficient ductless heat pumps from Mitsubishi Electric Heating & Air Conditioning. They are perfect for homes with no ductwork and keep rooms the perfect temperature even when it's below zero degrees outside.

– Goodco Mechanical. There's good in the name, there's great in the service. –

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