Thanks for helping me!
WELCOME to My Page!
WELCOME to My Page!
Together we can make the holidays even better!
Goodco has committed to donating $50 to the homeless shelter for Out of the Cold when you post a picture of me on your Facebook page.
Simply follow the instructions below.
1- Post my picture to Facebook
Take my picture with the sign from the card you received and post it to Facebook. Make sure to tag @goodcoinc and use the hashtag #GusTheElf.
Make sure your post is public so we can track what we have to donate.
2- Goodco Will Donate $50 to OUT OF THE COLD CENTRE COUNTY for your original post of me. They will donate more money for every share!
3- Encourage sharing of your post
BONUS DONATION! – Goodco will donate an additional $1 for every share that your photo gets. If you reach 20 shares, we will DOUBLE your donation.
Suggested text to accompany your post is below; You MUST tag @goodcoinc so we can see your post!
Friends – help me raise money for @OutoftheCold. @goodcoinc has donated $50 for this post AND will donate $1 for every share that I get. If I get over 20 shares, Goodco will DOUBLE the donation. #GusTheElf
Claim Your Gift Basket!
This gift basket is full of hot chocolate, holiday mugs, and tasty treats just for you! Simply fill out the form below so we know Gus stopped at your house and we will start tracking the donation.
You will be notified to pick up your gift at our office out by the Nittany Mall.
2597 Clyde Avenue, Suite 1
State College, PA 16801